
Prometheus1618 - My Background

Hi People

            When I was at college, I had the good fortune to have access to computing hardware, though it was shared  The services were part of a course I was taking, which at that time was science based course.  After a number of years in the science field and noting that most instruments were now computer controlled or computer based, I picked up where I left off with the computing side of things and developed a knack for resolving computer situations.

During the time of developing my computer business, I was asked to join a local computer training facility, where I was able to educate a number of unemployed people of various ages, in the building, use and maintaining computers.

After the training was finished, I found myself devoting more time to helping people with their own computers in their offices and homes and it is to that end that I am devoting my time and energy.  I have numerous clients, whom I see, telephone and email, with a view to assisting in the maintenance of their 'window on the world events' or 'access to financial connections' or 'keeping in touch with family and friends'.

So if you are in need of help, please leave me a comment or email me and I will endeavour to help in any way I can.