
Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Personal Accounts - Conditional Formatting - part 3

Hi People

Let's have a look at the spreadsheet pictures and show you some of the things we have been discussing.

This picture shows the result of an unexpected value in D7.  See the WHAT! in F7

Notice here that the next entry still causes an error in the 'Balance' column - column F

When the errors are corrected, the system goes on working
In this picture a Credit or 'C' transaction is made, and the value of the balance goes up.  Whilst it has been tested the spreadsheet does need much more testing before being happy with the results being seen.
A large withdrawal here has caused the spreadsheet to use its internal conditional formatting.  The  -£17.17 in the 'Balance' column is in red numbers

The last picture above shows that some colour conditional formatting is used in the Currency format for numbers.  We can further enhance the conditional formatting if we wish.

We could highlight the transaction amounts if they are credits or debits for instance

Conditional Formatting is found under the 'Format' menu options, about half way down.

For what we are going to do is fairly involved, so the details we will leave until next time

Thank You for stopping by


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