
Wednesday, 11 August 2010

This is what your spreadsheet should look like apart from the two values input at A3 and B3

The reason it looks so bare is that, firstly we have not put any values into it 
and secondly the formulae are keeping it blank, until the values are put in. 

By the way, did you remember to copy the formula from F4 to all the cells 
down to F20?  Use the little black box technique now to get that done before
continuing.  Note  that we do NOT want the formula in cell F3. That cell 
must be left blank.

OK, now to test it.  Put the following values in the cells marked by the cell 
in the [   ].  For example 3.4 [A10] means put 3.4 in cell A10.  
Get the idea (for those of you who have not followed this through).

26/07 [A3]
32096 [B3]
31/07 [A4]
32288 [B4]
1.19 [C4]
38.8 [D4]
Saturday [A5]
19844 [B5]
1.18 [C5]
40.9 [D5]

Have a good look at your spreadsheet and see if it matches the picture above.

You can see a normal line on row 4 (that is A4 to H4), but row 5 is 
completely messed up
The formatting does not stop the input of  'Saturday', the mileage value in B5
 has thrown everything upside down beyond E5. 

C5,D5 and E5 are OK as the values are in the accepted range. 

You can see that the formula we dealt with in the last post is doing its job 
and warning the user that the value put into B5 is too small.  G5 and H5 rely 
on the values elsewhere to be with an acceptable range, which in this 
case they clearly are not! 

We will see what can be done with this next time

That's all for now

Thank You for your attention


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