
Monday, 9 August 2010

Winding up the Mileage spreadsheet part 2

Hi People

From the last post, we  were looking at the formula  below (if you cannot remember have a look at the previous blogs).  The formula was created in cell F4 (in the explanation below it is called the 'target cell').

=IF(B4<>"";IF(B4>B3;B4-B3;"value too 


The formula below highlights the TEST1, TRUE1, FALSE1 parts of the formula by underlining the parts 


=IF(B4<>"";IF(B4>B3;B4-B3;"value too 



=IF(B4<>"";IF(B4>B3;B4-B3;"value too 



=IF(B4<>"";IF(B4>B3;B4-B3;"value too 


Ok so verbally what this formula says:
TEST (underlined Test1 section)
IF the contents of cell B4 is NOT EQUAL ( '<>' is a NOT EQUAL sign) to NOTHING (remember  that two quote marks - without a space between - is NOTHING)

IF the above condition is TRUE (True1 underlined section) then calculate the second IF test (we will go througn this below)

IF the above condition is FALSE (False1 underlined section) then the contents of B4 are set at "" (nothing).

Now onto the second IF Test in the formula (remember for the second test to be calculated, the first test must be True).



too small");"")


=IF(B4<>"";IF(B4>B3;B4-B3;"value too 



=IF(B4<>"";IF(B4>B3;B4-B3;"value too 


The underlined section  (Test2) above states that if the contents of cell B4 is GREATER THAN the contents of B3

If the Test2 is True then True2 will be adopted and the cell contents will contain the value left after taking the contents of B3 away from the contents of B4  (e.g.  IF B4 contains 38800 and B3 contains 38400 then the target cell - the cell which contains this formula - will end up with 38800-38400 = 400 as its contents.

If the Test2 is False then False2 will be displayed.  The cell will contain the words 'value too small' as a warning that the value in B4 is lower than that in B3.  Note here that words are enclosed in quotation marks "value too small" in the formula.

We will play with the spreadsheet in the next session.

Until then

Thank You for your attention


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